Miscellaneous Stuff:
3d Works:
High poly zBrush model of a tree trunk. First time model using the software.
In game screenshot (Unity Engine) of the tree trunk model. Around 500 polygons with a 1024 diffuse and normal map.
First attempt at creating tiling textures inside zBrush.
Ultra low-spec treasure chest inspired from stylized concept images by Runic Games.
Here are some random assets I've created in zBrush while learning the toolset. Also, a low poly chest.
Digital Painting:
The future is awesome.
Crap, the bridge is out.
Quick study based indirectly on photo reference.
Here are some digital sketches I have done for fun. None of them are completed but
that's the way it goes sometimes.
Unity Projects:

Occasionally I like to nerd out with the Unity Engine and even dabble in some lite programming.
College Work (old stuff now):
I graduated from Full Sail University in April 2004 attending the computer animation program. Below is some of the work I produced in that time.
Full Sail Demo Reel:
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Final Project: Medieval Library Interior
Final Project: Medieval Library Renders
Final Project: Medieval Library Renders
Final Project: Medieval Library Renders
Final Project: Medieval Library Renders
Final Project: Medieval Library Renders
Final Project: Medieval Library Wireframe
This was my final project for school. It was all created in maya and photoshop by myself based upon concepts from my good friend Peet Cooper. I spent around 7 weeks creating this scene of about 120,000 polygons.
Final Project: Corridor Environment
Final Project: Corridor Environment Renders
Final Project: Corridor Environment Renders
Final Project: Corridor Environment Renders
Final Project: Corridor Environment Wireframe
Final Project: Medieval Library Renders
This was made fairly quickly at the very end of my class. I wanted to add something non-fantasy to my reel but nothing overly realistic. This was made in about a week or two based on my own concepts. Total polycount is at around 7,800 polygons and 18
textures were used ranging mostly from 128-256.
Game Project: Fates Forgiven
Final Project: Fates Forgiven Renders
Final Project: Fates Forgiven Renders
Final Project: Fates Forgiven Renders
Final Project: Fates Forgiven Renders
Final Project: Fates Forgiven Renders
Fates Forgiven was a multiplayer CTF game project I worked on with three artists and a group of programmers attending Full Sail. I worked with Peet Cooper to create this level over a few month long period during my spare time. I generate about 50% of the models and textures in these renders.